
Welcome to Jamiesmedia! Specialising in all things media. This blog will mainly present Reviews of everything media. For other blogs please follow my other blog. Well thats all from me! Goodbye!

Saturday 31 July 2010

A-Team Review

The A-Team is a 2010 action film based around 4 elite army member John "Hannibal" Smith, Templeton "Face" Peck, Bosco Albert "B.A" Baracus and H.M "Howling Mad" Murdoch. The Film Stars Liam Neeson (Schindlers List), Bradley Cooper (The Hangover), Quinton Jackson (Miss March) and Sharlto Copey (District 9). The film is also directed by Joe Carnahan (Smokin' Aces).

From the first scene you can pretty much sum up what this film is going to be about, action after action and explosion after explosion. The reason this works so well is because the actors, who are all critically acclaimed, live up to their reputations! Another thing good about the film is the comic relief that Copey bring to the table. Copey is a hidden gem in this film with some of the funniest and best scenes in the film. Cooper also impressed me in this film. Having only seen him in comedies and Rom-Com's I wasn't sure what to expect from him in an action film, but he sure delivered with a performance that blew away all my expectations. For Jackson's big blockbuster debut he did a really good job. He added comedy to the film in scenes such as where there trying to make him fly when they have not had time to inject him to knock him out for the journey. A downside to his performance was he lacked thee aggression to the character that Mr.T had. Neeson gave a good performance Demonstrating the acting skills that got him to where he is today.

The Amount of action shown in this film seems to disguise the fact that the story is very weak and has more twists and turns than you can follow. The film also has a rather dry performance from Jessica Biel as Charisa Sosa, when she try's to do romantic scenes with cooper she seems to look not in love at all. Her performance on the whole is bad. The films running time of 118 minutes is also a downside to the film.

All in all I have more good things to say than bad about the film. My opinion is if you want a film with a good story and plot, Go and see inception. If you want to see a comedy, go see toy story 3. But if you want a bloody good action film go see the A-Team.

3 1/2 out of 5 Stars.

Aiming High...

As a child my life ambitions were that of the ordinary; Fireman, Policeman and Stuntman. As I moved through school my life choices became a little bit more serious ie an actor or a musician. But now halfway through my high school years, the future looks more daunting than it ever has before. There are so many plausible career options to choice from, things I want to be include a musician, but that is slowly turning into hobby rather than a career goal, a film critic, one of the reasons I started this blog was to brush up on my writing skills. One of the options looking more like happening everyday is becoming a chef. I love to cook and try new foods, being a chef is definitely something I look forward to looking into as I start college and university. But one of my goals that really could happen in the not so distant future if my dream to become a Radio DJ.

I recently joined my local radio station to present a show with one of my good mates. We do a 1 hour show on a Thursday from 5-6. Its not the biggest break ever, but its a start on the ladder to success. Sitting in the obviously budgeted studio is such a release from the pressures of the modern world. Playing whatever song suits you best for the mood your'e in is a feeling like none other. For that hour or so your'e on air all the problems you have in life seem to Dissapear in to the night sky. I'm currently training to become a better DJ and to learn about copyrighting issues that are an ever recurring problems to the radio. I will be back on air in a grand some of 6 weeks to carry on with what I love to do. Becoming a radio DJ seriously seems to be a plausible career choice. But whilst I'm young I shall continue to aim higher.

Friday 30 July 2010

Grace, Beauty And Sheer Rock 'n' Roll

Grace, Beauty And Sheer Rock 'n' Roll. The only words I could possibly use to describe the 30/10/09. Walking through the cold Manchester City Centre, majestic and beautiful, the cold trickle of rain running down my face. The hustle and bustle of the rush hour traffic and people walking home from hard days at work, only just manages to null the sound of wind and rain crashing against buildings. After half an hour of weaving through the arrogance of the city I arrived at the Manchester Evening News Arena to see Green Day live in concert.

In the lobby of the arena there is 16,000 people waiting to see there favourite band, people buzzing with excitement. In the lobby me and my brother met this pair of girls, I think they had travelled down from Scotland. People like that show how great Green Day's fan base is and how dedicated their fans are. When the time came we found our seats, high up into the arena. We sat and waited for a while. 16,000 rock fans urging towards the stage that the lights would go down. The atmosphere was unbelievable. After about 20 minutes, the lights went down and the roar of the crowd bellowed out as proud as a lion in his forest. The crowd was a lion, and the arena was our forest. The flashes of light like cats eyes in the dark, the opening track of Green Days Latest album Playing in the dark. Green Day came running out on to stage all happy and smiles. So relaxed for a band about to play 3 hours worth of songs to 16,000 people. The band had such a presence on stage, especially Billie-Joe. Never before have I seen a man hold thousands of people in the palm of their hands. But he did it, with such ease, such grace. Ripping through hit after hit they strummed their guitars and banged their drums like it was the last show they would ever play. After 3 hours of hit after hit and the crowd going absolutely mental for the favourite band. The show ended with just Billie-Joe and his guitar leading the chorus in a rendition of arguably their biggest hit. The band left stage. You could sense everyone was in awe at what they had just witnessed. A band of many talents, soundtrack of teenagers lives, one of the biggest bands on the planet at this time. Cementing their status in rock history, cementing their places in my life, forever.

Such a powerful image, from the best night of my life.