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Sunday 1 August 2010

Winter Nights...

Call me crazy but I much prefer blistering cold winter nights to scorching hot summer days. The thought of sitting around a warm cosy fire while the cold night air surrounds your house is much preferred to sticking to my leather couch through the heat and sweating on a warm summer nights.

Winter nights to me consist of sat in your house, with a warm cup of tea watching a film all snuggled up in your duvet. Preparing for Christmas, and fantasizing about that morning when you wake up all excited like a 5-year old and run down the stairs to see your stack of presents. Watching films with your family eating popcorn while the rain crashes against your house. Crawling into your bed and wrapping your duvet around you in a desperate attempt to warm up, listening to rain hitting the floor and wind whistling through the midnight air.

To me all of that is preferred to being sat in your living room attempting to watch a film with the family, but you can't because your hot and sticky and your feeling irritable. No joyous holidays coming up so you have nothing to look forward to and nothing to prepare for. Listening to fly's buzzing around your head desperately looking for an escape. spread out in your bed just in your underwear covers sprawled all over your bed.

Now out of them two, which one would you prefer? I know I much prefer the winter nights...

1 comment:

  1. now you know why winters are awesome...i love sleeping for ten hours during a cold winter morning.
